Armoniza tu cuerpo con RPG

Mediante la RPG (Reeducación Postural Global) una persona puede percibir cuáles son sus desequilibrios corporales y qué ejercicios le permiten corregirlos. Se trata de una enseñanza útil de por vida.

Escoliosis Antiálgica- Poster

Nuestra gratitud a la Asociación Argentina de RPG (AARPG) que nos ha permitido introducir en nuestra web este enlace.

Son los primeros boletines sobre RPG que publicaron en el año 1997, puestos en Pdfs.  Os recomendamos su visita por transmitir un sabor artesano y que como la RPG, es un trabajo hecho,  a base de mano.

La Rieducazione Posturale Globale nelle patologie muscolo-scheletriche: evidenze scientifiche e indicazioni cliniche

C. Vanti1, A. Generali2, S. Ferrari3, T. Nava4, D. Tosarelli5, P. Pillastrini6

1 Corso di Laurea in Fisioterapia, Università di Bologna; 2 Fisioterapista, Bologna; 3 Scuola Italiana di Riabilitazione Integrata (S.I.R.I.); 4 Fisioterapista, Sesto San Giovanni (MI); 5 Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna; 6 Dipartimento di ScienzeNeurologiche, Università di Bologna


Several studies on the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases with physiotherapy and clinical experiences on the basis of a method called Rééducation Posturale Globale (RPG), have highlighted the usefulness of this treatment. Although such treatment technique is commonly used in physical therapy practice, only few studies support its therapeutic effectiveness. Objective: To search the literature for evidence of RPG effectiveness, in order to identify the most appropriate therapeutic contexts for its use.

Methods: A review of the literature through the following databases: PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, Pedro, and Medscape. The keywords used for the search in the databases are: Rééducation Posturale Globale, Souchard, Posture, and Manual Therapy. The following clinical studies were selected: randomized controlled studies, non-randomized controlled studies, observation studies, and case reports, in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.

Results: Out of 18 studies found, 9 were analyzed: 2 randomized controlled studies, 2 non-randomized controlled studies, 3 non-controlled studies, and 2 case reports.

Conclusions: The RPG method has been shown to be an effective treatment technique for musculoskeletal diseases, in particular for ankylosing spondylitis, acute and chronic low back pain, and lumbar discherniation. Although the scarcity of rigorous experimental trials on a large scale does not allow the drawing of undisputable conclusions, the results gathered up to now are an encouragement to carry on research in the field of conservative treatment.

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1 Editorial
2 Cuando el interrogatorio nos aleja de las causas Mario E. Korell (Argentina)
3 Necesidad de tomas proximales en las contracciones excéntricas Iñaki Pastor (España)
4 Resultados de Tratamiento de una Hernia Discal Cervical Julieta Rubinetti (Argentina)
5 Congreso de Madeira Iñaki Pastor (España)
6 Programa Congreso de Madeira

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La RPG no es solo una formación de cuatro semanas

Impacto de la Reeducación Postural Global en el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo femenina

Trabajo realizado para la Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP y publicado por la «Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira» sobre la efectividad de la RPG para el tratamiento de los síntomas de incontinencia urinaria femenina.